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플랜오션 일하는 방식
플랜오션 팀


Who Works at Plan Ocean?

At Plan Ocean, we are proud to have a dedicated team of experts who bring a wealth of experience in marine conservation. Our team includes marine species veterinarians, marine biologists, and fisheries management specialists, all working together to drive positive change between people and the sea.

By leveraging the diverse backgrounds and expertise of our members, we foster efficient collaboration and focus on achieving actionable results in the short term.

How We Work

What does “positive influence” mean to us?

For us, it’s about striving for excellence. We begin by thoroughly analyzing the current situation and available data, clearly defining problems, and adopting a collaborative approach.


We believe in seeking solutions through cooperation, not competition or conflict.

We focus on building relationships through open dialogue, ensuring that everyone involved benefits. This is how we create meaningful influence and deliver high-performance results.

Meet the People Behind Plan Ocean


PlanOcean ㅣ CEO/Founder Youngran Lee ㅣ Business Registration Number 319-82-00536

115, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 


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