Get involved
What Can You Do with Plan Ocean?
At Plan Ocean, we believe that the more people understand
how closely the ocean is connected to our lives
and how endangered it truly is
the greater the change we can create together.
Ready to make a difference?
Here’s how you can join us in our mission:
Cetacean Conservation Supporters
What Do They Do?
Cetacean Conservation Supporters play a crucial role in various activities, from providing medical supplies and conducting tests on live whales to assisting with necropsies of deceased ones. You can also support our efforts by sharing your expertise or making donations.
How to Apply?
Click "Apply" and complete the Google Form.
Pay the annual membership fee of 100,000 KRW.
Once payment is confirmed, your membership will be finalized.

What Are the Benefits?
As a member, you’ll receive a welcome kit and exclusive updates on all Plan Ocean events.
Cetacean Conservation Supporters also get priority access to events with limited spots.
Marine Mammal Necropsy Participation

Plan Ocean hosts necropsy and ecological education sessions for both experts and the public. These sessions allow participants to learn about whales, their behavior, habitats, and causes of death, as well as the broader challenges they face.
Necropsy sessions are announced the day before or the day of the event.
Participation is open to Cetacean Conservation Supporters and regular donors.
If you’re interested, click "Participate in Necropsy" and fill out the Google Form.
Corporate & Institutional Partnerships

기업과 어떤 협력을 하나요?
해양생물다양성 보전을 위한 기업 ESG 활동을 함께 합니다.
시장의 변화를 만들어내기 위해 기업 이해관계자들의 워크샵, 라운드 테이블, 컨퍼런스를 함께 기획하고 개최합니다.
소비자 인식 변화, 대중 인식 제고를 위해 캠페인 및 행사를 기획하고 실행합니다.
임직원 참여 봉사 활동, 교육, 강의 프로그램을 진행합니다.
이 외에도 사업 분야 및 주요 추진 활동에 따라 다양한 프로그램을 논의하고 실행할 수 있습니다.
기관•단체와는 어떤 협력을 하나요?
해양포유류 부검을 통해 바다의 건강성을 진단하기 위하여 대학 및 연구기관과 해양 유래 인수공통감염병, 미세플라스틱, 기생충, 잔류성 유기오염물질(POPs), 영상진단기기를 이용한 부검 등을 협력하고 있습니다.
지속가능한 수산물의 시장 확대를 위해 지방자치단체, 수산물 도소매업, 온•오프라인 마트, 글로벌 호텔 체인, 국내외 NGO들과 함께 활동하고 있습니다.
각 지역의 NGO 및 단체들과 해양포유류 서식 환경 모니터링 및 보전 활동을 함께 합니다.
Internship Opportunities
Join us on exciting conservation projects and gain hands-on experience. We’re looking for passionate interns with:
□ A love for the ocean and marine conservation.
□ Intermediate or higher proficiency in English.
□ Preferred background: studies in biology, veterinary science, marine science, environmental studies, or international relations.
Click "Apply for Internship" to learn more.
We will review your resume and cover letter and contact you if there is a suitable project for you.

Content Creation Volunteering

We’re always looking for creative volunteers to help us spread the word about our work. Volunteers involved in content creation will receive a small honorarium and a certificate of participation.
Volunteer Roles
English Translation & Interpretation: Help us share our message with a wider audience.
Photography & Videography: Capture and edit content to tell our story.